Dual Investment

Buy and sell crypto at your target price

Manage your crypto portfolio with no trading fees and achieve high potential rewards
Buy and sell crypto at your target price
What is Dual Investment?
Dual Investment allows users to maximize their profits by choosing a major crypto pair to trade (such as BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT). Once subscribed, users can obtain steady returns in either of the cryptocurrencies, depending on their target price. On the date of expiration, buyers will receive the crypto they invest in if the target price is reached. Otherwise, they will have their stablecoins back, along with the interests. Likewise, sellers will receive their returns in stablecoins if they reach the target price at expiration, or have their crypto back, along with the interest.
What are the settlement rules?
If you invest BTC (or other crypto), then the settlement amount will be determined as follows:
CaseSettlement amountSettlement currency
Expiration price < Target priceSubscription amount × (1 + Term rate)BTC (or other crypto)
Expiration price ≥ Target priceSubscription amount × Target price × (1 + Term rate)USDT

Example: You subscribe 10 BTC with a target price of $58,000 and a term rate of 0.2%.

If the expiration price of BTC is < 58,000, you'll receive:
10 × (1 + 0.20%) = 10.02 BTC

If the expiration price of BTC is ≥ $58,000, you'll receive:
10 × 58,000 × (1 + 0.20%) = 581,160 USDT

If you invest USDT, then the settlement amount will be determined as follows:
CaseSettlement amountSettlement currency
Expiration price > Target priceSubscription amount × (1 + Term rate)USDT
Expiration price ≤ Target priceSubscription amount / Target price × (1 + Term rate)BTC (or other crypto)

Example: You subscribe 10,000 USDT with a target price of $50,000 and a term rate of 1.24%.

If the expiration price of BTC is > 50,000, you'll receive:
10,000 × (1 + 1.24%) = 10,124 USDT

If the expiration price of BTC is ≤ 50,000, you'll receive:
10,000 / 50,000 × (1 + 1.24%) = 0.20248 BTC

Note: The expiration price refers to the average index price of BTC from 07:00 to 08:00 UTC on the expiration date.
Which terms should I know?

Base currency: the currency you use to subscribe to Dual Investment.

Alternative currency: the other currency under the currency pair. The product will be settled in either the base or alternative currency, depending on how the target price compares to the expiration price.

Target price: the benchmark price used to compare with the expiration price.

Expiration price: the average price of the relevant market index calculated within one hour before the expiration time, i.e. between 07:00 UTC and 08:00 UTC on the expiration date.

Expiration date: the date when your subscription will expire and be settled. The proceeds will automatically be credited to your funding account on this day.
Expiration time: it's set at 08:00 UTC on the expiration date.

Annual percentage rate (APR): it provides an approximation of the potential interest your product will earn over a one-year period.

Term rate: the amount of interest a product will earn during the subscription period and is calculated using the following formula:
Term rate = APR x (Subscription period / 365)

Term: the number of days in your subscription period, which is used to calculate your earnings. After subscribing to a product, your term will start from the next hour.

When will I get my earnings?
Generally, your earnings will be automatically credited to your funding account at 10:00 UTC on the expiration date. Under certain circumstances, the settlement might be delayed by up to 24 hours.
What are the redemption rules?

1. Can I redeem before the expiration date?

Yes, you can apply for early redemption for BTC and ETH products if the term is longer than 2 days and your subscription has been active for more than 24 hours. The deadline for early redemption is 24 hours before the expiration date and time.

2. When can I redeem my order?

The order can be redeemed 24 hours after the interest started to accrue, and no later than 24 hours before the expiration time. Take for example an order with the following details:

Interest accrual time: 03/01/2022, 08:00 UTC

Expiration time: 03/11/2022, 08:00 UTC

Then, the order can be redeemed at any time between:

Start time: 03/02/2022, 08:00 UTC

End time: 03/10/2022 08:00 UTC

3. When will my returns be credited to my Funding account?

If your redemption is successful, your crypto will be credited to your Funding account the following day at 10:00 UTC.

4. Does early redemption incur a loss?

If you choose to redeem early, you'll be able to review the exact amount of crypto you'll receive. Redeeming early may lead to losses, as the amount could be less than the initial subscription amount.

Choosing early redemption also means you'll only receive the crypto that you used to invest. For example, if you invested BTC, you'll only be able to redeem BTC and won't have the choice of redeeming in USDT.

Are products with a higher estimated APR always the better choice?
Target price and term are the two main and correlated parameters of Dual Investment. Products with a higher return means they have a higher probability of being settled in the alternative currency. Investors need to make the investment decision based on their own preferences.
Why are the BETH prices here different from the BETH index?
The BETH prices used to determine the target price and expiration price refer to the ETH index.
Although the price of BETH is usually pegged to its staked ETH on a 1:1 basis, they can sometimes stray from each other. In these cases, we will use the ETH price.