API broker
Connect with your users through integrated APIs for more efficiency and dive into a variety of features.
Exchange aggregators
Asset management platforms
Algorithm trading platforms
Trading strategy providers
OAuth broker
Allow one-touch logins via OAuth mode, a more seamless and secure way to connect with customers.
Trading bots
Copy trading platform
Exchange aggregators
Competitive commission rewards
Competitive commission rewards
Enjoy commission of up to 50%.
Get commission from both new and existing users.
Get paid for both OKX Broker and the OKX Affiliate Program.
Gain commission from high-tier VIPs.
Dedicated integrated APIs
Dedicated integrated APIs
Our specialized API features are designed to help you seamlessly expand your business.
More secure solutions for your access
More secure solutions for your access
Fast API allows for smoother integration.
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Third-party IP allowlist offers a safer, more reliable integration process.
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Flexible commission settings
Flexible commission settings
Flexibly allocate commission for sub-brokers at your chosen rate.
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24/7 tech support
24/7 tech support
OKX provides broker accounts with 24/7 dedicated support and custom solutions.

    Why OKX Broker?

    Why OKX Broker?

    Earn high commissions

    OKX Broker offers commission rates of up to 50%, with flexible allocation solutions.
    Why OKX Broker?

    Share OKX markets

    You can boost your product's performance by sharing the depth and liquidity of OKX derivatives and spot trading markets.
    Why OKX Broker?

    Execute tried-and-tested APIs

    Secure, rapid response with 3ms average latency and 99.95% uptime.
    Frequently asked questions
    What can an OKX broker get?
    I am an existing OKX API user. Can I apply for an OKX affiliate?
    Does the OKX broker platform differentiate between new and old users?