Build on X Layer

USDC on X Layer#

USDC workflow

The difference between USDC and USDC.e#


Circle introduced the Bridged USDC Standard to ensure that chain operators can easily deploy a form of bridged USDC that is capable of being upgraded in-place by Circle to native USDC, if and when appropriate, and prevent any fragmentation problems. X Layer official bridge and OKX Exchange has supported this USDC following Circle Bridged standard. It is USDC-e in the flowchart.

AssetX Layer mainnet address


There also exists a “bridged” form of USDC known as USDC.e, which is USDC that has been bridged from Ethereum issued by X Layer. It is BWUSDC in the flowchart.

AssetX Layer mainnet address

Using USDC on X Layer#

Whether you are a developer or a user, we recommend that you use USDC on X Layer.

For users#

Users can get USDC on the X Layer mainnet in these ways:

  1. Using X Layer official bridge

When you bridge USDC from Ethereum to the X Layer by official bridge user interface, you can automatically receive USDC on the X Layer.

  1. Using OKX exchange

OKX now supports USDC (not USDC.e) deposits and withdrawals.

  1. Using third-party bridges

Some well known bridges are integrating with X Layers.

For developers#

Please refer to the USDC workflow section.