Guide to Install OKX App (Android)
How to download OKX App on Android?
Method 1: Scan the download QR code on web browser
Click on the download icon on the top right corner of the web browser, scan the QR code using your mobile phone, click on [Download] - [Download anyway] and follow the system prompts to complete the installation
If you are not using the system QR code scanner, you may need to click on the option located at the top right corner and select [Open with web browser] before clicking on [Download]
Method 2: Download the app via download link
You may download the installation package via any of the link below. Install the app after you have downloaded the package.
• If the link cannot be accessed, try switching to another network or mobile web browser
• If the link is not working, please contact our customer support for a new link
• If the link is not working, please contact our customer support for a new link
How to resolve error when installing the downloaded package?
Some Android phones may not be able to complete the installation after downloading the installation package because of security risk or vulnerability risk. You may refer to the following methods to complete the installation.
1 Huawei (Android OS)
Click [Allow] to continue and follow the prompts to complete the installation.
2 Huawei (HarmonyOS)
Method 1: Exit Clean Mode in [Settings] and turn off external source application checking
Method 2: Change your region or country in [Settings]
3 Xiaomi
Toggle on the [Safe Mode] on the installation page to complete the installation
Disable all options in [Payment Protection] before installation
5 Mobile Web
Enable airplane mode and download the installation package via Wifi
6 Others
For other mobile brands or models, you may attempt to troubleshoot via the following methods:
• Switch off your mobile network and bluetooth. Download and install the package via Quark Browser or your default mobile browser, and change the virus setting to 360 etc.
• Settings - [Apps and Notifications] - [Permissions Management] - [Security and Privacy] - [App Lock] - [Trust this app] try logging in again and the risk warning message will not be prompted.
• Once you have downloaded the installation package, turn off all data traffic and install it again.
• Switch off your mobile network and bluetooth. Download and install the package via Quark Browser or your default mobile browser, and change the virus setting to 360 etc.
• Settings - [Apps and Notifications] - [Permissions Management] - [Security and Privacy] - [App Lock] - [Trust this app] try logging in again and the risk warning message will not be prompted.
• Once you have downloaded the installation package, turn off all data traffic and install it again.