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Haider Rafique: OKX Chief Marketing Officer

Haider joins OKX as our new CMO at a time of hyper growth for our platform

  • Haider Rafique, the creative mind behind the OKX rebrand and partnership with top football team Man City, is joining us to oversee the global brand and marketing strategy as it expands internationally.
  • As the world’s second largest crypto exchange by trading volume, OKX has appointed Haider to the executive team at a time of hyper growth for our business and brand.

Today, we’re thrilled to welcome global crypto marketing executive Haider Rafique to OKX. Haider joins us as Chief Marketing Officer, overseeing the company’s growth and brand strategy as OKX enters a new phase of hyper growth in user registration and trading volume.

Haider takes the lead of marketing and brand growth for OKX at a moment of rapid crypto adoption globally. His role will be to onboard greater numbers of new users to the OKX platform safely and responsibly, growing awareness of the brand as crypto continues to enter the cultural mainstream.

Speaking about the new role, Haider said:

“OKX is on the brink of becoming a breakout brand in its category. We are determined to be the most-loved brand in crypto and only a ‘Go Big or Go Home’ mentality will get us there. This will come through in our global marketing and partnership activations in the months ahead. We have some big ambitions this year and we are excited to welcome new investors to trade on our platform. Our mission is to create long-term responsible crypto investors. I can’t wait to reveal what we have in store. All I can say is watch this space!”

Leveling up the OKX brand

Haider has already played a key role in OKX’s high-profile brand moves this year alone. Just as we entered 2022, Haider served as special advisor to the OKX executive team, overseeing the rebrand from “OKEx” to “OKX.” He also drove a multimillion-dollar partnership agreement with OKX and top Premier League football club, Manchester City.

As our CMO, Haider has big plans to continue the momentum he’s helped to drive so far in 2022. With new major partnership deals in the works — as well as other initiatives to make OKX more user-friendly and continue to reward our community — Haider will help bring OKX to the forefront of mainstream crypto adoption.

Haider’s crypto marketing journey

Haider previously served at our U.S.-based partner exchange Okcoin as CMO. He led the company’s own rebrand in 2021 and the platform recorded 20x growth in retail user sign-ups year-over-year, onboarding more than a million customers.

Haider is a seasoned growth and marketing leader at global crypto firms, previously serving as head of growth at and as a growth adviser to several Web 3.0 firms and startups. He is one of the few in the industry with experience from traditional Madison Avenue ad firms and multinational tech giants like Microsoft.

At OKX, you can trade, invest and hold thousands of digital assets and collectibles. We offer highly advanced tools and huge variety of trading instruments in pairs. We continue to be the second largest crypto exchange by trading volume — in 2021, the total trading volume on the platform increased by more than 700%, while the number of trades executed on the platform jumped 480%.

Not a part of the OKX community yet? Sign up to get started.

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