Today, we're excited to announce that we are the first exchange to list the ICE token on our spot market.
ICE is the token that fuels Ice Open Network (ION), a high-performance, multi-threaded and multi-shard blockchain that is capable of processing millions of transactions per second.
With this addition, our users will be able to trade ICE against USDT via the ICE/USDT spot pair from 10:00 am (UTC) on January 19. We enabled deposits for ICE today at 10:00 am (UTC).
This announcement follows the listing of JTO and BONK on our spot market on January 8. We also recently enhanced our Copy Trading tool with the addition of Spot Copy Trading, a feature that enables our users to copy the strategies of top-performing 'lead traders' and automatically execute those in real-time across over 160 spot pairs.
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