Step by Step Guide to Managed Trading Sub-accounts
The first part of the document is for investors. To skip to the trading team, please use the side bar to navigate.
Guide for Investors
Creation of Managed Trading Sub Accounts
1. Once logged in, select the [Sub-accounts] section under your profile icon.

2. Select [Create sub-accounts]

3. Fill in the relevant details and configure the account settings according to your preference:
[Login name]
[Account type: Managed trading sub-account]
[Trading team account: Enter UID to bind account]*
[Advanced settings: Trading settings]
[Advanced settings: Deposits]**

*It is not mandatory to enter the trading team's UID now, it can also be done in a later step.
**You may turn off the deposits if you don't want the trading team you are binding to deposit funds into the managed trading-account. By default it is turned on.
4. Once done select [Submit all]
If you are not ready to submit, you may select [Save all] to save as a draft.
You may also create multiple drafts by selecting [Add draft].

5. Complete the 2FA to complete the creation process

Binding of Managed Trading Sub-accounts to Trading Team
1. If you did not bind the trading team to the sub-account in the previous step, click on [Link trading team account].

2. You may select up to 14 other managed trading sub-accounts to bind to the trading team, otherwise proceed by selecting [Next].

3. Input the trading team UID (this should be requested from the trading team beforehand). Proceed by selecting [Next].

4. Complete the 2FA to complete the binding process

5. When successful, you will see that the account has a binding status.

Transferring of funds into Managed Trading Sub-accounts
Select [Transfer]

2. Select the crypto and input the amount before transferring funds into managed trading sub-accounts.

Unbinding the Managed Trading Sub Account from Trading Team
1. Select [Binding] followed by [Unbind]

2. Enter the email authentication code and authentication app code to unbind.

3. Once successfully unbinded, you will see the [Link trading team account] as seen below.

Deleting Managed Trading Sub-Accounts
After unbinding, we encourage you to delete the Managed Trading Sub-Account if you are not planning to use it. The main purpose to make it easier for you to keep track of your sub-accounts.
Go to [Actions] - [Delete sub-account] - [Continue] - [Enter the authentication code]

Enable Withdrawal and Deposits for Trading Teams
Under special circumstances, you may want to allow the trading team to withdraw and deposits funds into the managed trading sub-account. This can only be done by whitelisting the specific wallet address on the master account (not the sub-account).
Enabling Withdrawals
1. On your master account go to [Assets] - [Withdraw]

2. Select any crypto to withdraw

3. Select [Manage address book]

4. Ensure that [Allowlist] is enabled (New address withdrawal lock can be kept on or off depending on your preference)

5. Select [Add address]

6. Ensure the correct withdrawal [Network] is selected and enter the correct [Address]
You may input an [Address name] for easier reference in the future.
Lastly, you can also verify the address for 30 days to skip future verification.

7. Once the above steps are completed, please inform the trading team that they can use API to withdraw funds to the specific wallet address. Inform them to tick the withdrawal check box when creating the API key if they need to withdraw.
Enabling Deposits
Navigate to [Sub-accounts]

2. Select [Actions] and enable [Deposits]

3. Once deposits are enabled, the trading team can deposit funds from any wallet into your sub-account.
Guide for Trading Teams
How to become a Trading Team
You need to create an account in OKX and obtain a VIP level >=1. If this requirement is fulfilled, please contact the corresponding business development manager.
How to start trading the funds on Managed Trading Sub-Accounts
1. Once logged in, select [API] under your profile icon.

2. On the API key page
Select the [Client accounts] tab.
From the drop-down, select the client sub-account you want to create an API for.
Then click on [Create API key].

3. Enter the relevant details and remember to select the [Trade] permission

4. To understand how to trade with API keys refer to this page
Viewing Permission For Investors
As a trader, you can restrict viewing permission of the investors to adjust the viewing permission of the investor. There are 2 settings that you, as a trader, can toggle with.
Go to the [Sub-account] page and select [Client Accounts]

2. Go to [Action] - [Managed trading sub-account settings]

3. Select [Trading history] and toggle the settings according to what you and client have agreed on.

How to unbind sub-accounts
Note: Only managed trading sub-accounts that have 0 trading volume for 3 months and funds < 1000 USDT can be unbinded by trading teams.
There are 2 ways to unbind accounts. It can either be done manually or automated based on a certain threshold. The default setting for auto-unbinding is disabled.
Manual Unbinding
Go to the [Sub-account] page and select [Client Accounts]

2. Select [Binding] - [Unbind] then follow the instructions to finish the unbinding process

Auto unbinding
Go to the [Sub-account] page and select [Client Accounts]

2. Go to [Action] - [Managed trading sub-account settings]

3. Select [Manage unbinding] and enable auto-unbinding